Phil Fung is a Professional Engineer and Designated Consulting Engineer (Energy and Sustainability) in Ontario, Canada. Phil holds several professional designations including LEED Accredited Professional, Certified Sustainable Building Advisor, Certified Energy Manager, and Certified Building Commissioning Professional. His areas of expertise are energy efficient and sustainable buildings design, biomimetic and biophilic buildings design, energy modelling, and LEED certification management.
Starting his career as an Automation & Robotics Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation in 1987, he founded Anchor Corporation in 1997. In 2012, Phil accepted the part-time professorship at Humber College teaching Sustainable Buildings Design, Bio-Inspired Buildings design, and Energy Modelling.
In the course of his career, Phil developed a vision in design and develop an affordable, self-sustaining, and regenerative Multi-Unit Residential building. He designed and applied for patent of his Vertical Indoor Aquatic Ecosystem – Vertical Indoor Garden (VIGA™) - in early 2014 which was based on biomimetic, biophilic, and bio-synergistic design principles. In 2019, Phil established Bio-Regenerative Design Research Center to provide nature-inspired regenerative design research and development for buildings. His overarching design principle is “Buildings like the forest ecosystems.”